Hidden Acres Farm

Grass Fed Beef & Lamb | Pastured Poultry | Forested Pork | Handmade Bath & Body Products

Who We Are

We are a pasture-based livestock farm specializing in grass-fed & finished beef and lamb, pastured chicken, and forest-raised pork. Our goal is to raise our animals as close to their natural habitats as we can while also rebuilding our depleted soils and producing quality products for our community.

What We Do

We are a pasture based livestock farm, offering pastured poultry, grass fed and finished beef and lamb, forested pork, and eggs - chicken and duck. We do not use antibiotics, growth hormones, or animal confinement. The sun grows the grass and the animals get to be animals. When it is managed properly and with diligence, everything works together to maintain a healthy, regenerative system.

​Katelyn also enjoys making soap and other bath and body products. She often uses the fat that we get when we process our cattle when she makes the soap which helps us be even more sustainable.